Give us your suggestions here!

Maybe we can have LP value and also show the USD value… so we know how much is actually the LP value look like . Hope the team can consider… if u agree pls like this post thank you

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I think you might need to just check out the “Your Liquidity” tab where I believe it basically provides what you’re looking for. Minswap DEX | Multi-pool decentralized exchange on Cardano

It shows you your share of the pool and an estimate of what your balance of assets in the pool represent. It doesn’t convert it to USD but I reckon that part could be added later for people.

@CryptoBoi – I messed up the reply to your post. Tagging you here so you see it.


I’d like to make a suggestion. I would like to give the MIN token more utility via enabling the use of MIN for swapping fees. Also to incentivize using the MIN token for swapping I would propose to lower the fees. In conclusion that would mean more holders of the MIN token and an incentive to use MinSwap over a different DEX.