Provide more value to MIN

I propose to make more use of the MI Token, please look at my document, there I explain everything as best as possible

English is not my native language, I hope you understand the proposals.

Min has as a priority to have a use in Cardano.

The buyback is not just 0.05% or 0.1% of all transactions made, example I exchange $100,000 USD in ADA for iUSD the fee to Liquidity Providers is 0.3, $300 USD in ADA goes to the Liquidity Providers and $50 USD (0 .05%) to buy MIN, that MIN goes to the Smart Contract and 1% of $50USD in MIN returns to the Market in 365 days, but the smart contract only releases 1% of all those MIN annually to those who STAKE with MIN to further increase your rewards. So the MIN staking increases with the annual release of 1% of the smart contract.

Minswap volume today was 8,000,000 ADA so 0.05% MIN purchases would be 4,000 ADA, price ADA=22.4 CURRENT MIN
Total sent to smart contract and locked= 89,670MIN,
If it were for a constant year, the blockade would be 365 days = 32,729,550
(IF THE PRICE DOES NOT GO UP) if it falls, more MIN are blocked
and of those 32M the contract would release 1% to the MIN STAKING, that per day would be = 896 MIN Daily. If the amount of MIN decreases it could be multiplied quite a bit, plus you could save that MIN by staking for life.

Something that I would like is for the smart contract, apart from releasing 1% per year to those who do STAKING MIN, allocate another 0.5% per year for developers, they have to earn from somewhere, and another 0.5% to a treasury to reward white hat hackers for finding MINSWAP vulnerabilities.

So the rate for SWAP would be 0.35% or if the community wants it can be 0.4%, there is also the option of what is included in the same rate of 0.3% only that of that 0.3% the 0, 1% or 0.05% goes to buy and Block MIN.

Thanks for watching
Provide more value to MIN


I like the buyback idea but I would rather the buybacks go towards ADA-MIN LP (maybe lock them?), that way there would be a value return to holders but also mitigates any future selling pressure, also the increase of TVL will benefit the farmers in the form of more ADA staking rewards from the YF.

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The buyback is not just 0.05% or 0.1% of all transactions made, example I exchange $100,000 USD in ADA for iUSD the fee to Liquidity Providers is 0.3, $300 USD in ADA goes to the Liquidity Providers and $50 USD (0 .05%) to buy MIN, that MIN goes to the Smart Contract and 1% of $50USD in MIN returns to the Market in 365 days, but the smart contract only releases 1% of all those MIN annually to those who STAKE with MIN to further increase your rewards. So the MIN staking increases with the annual release of 1% of the smart contract.

Minswap volume today was 8,000,000 ADA so 0.05% MIN purchases would be 4,000 ADA, price ADA=22.4 CURRENT MIN
Total sent to smart contract and locked= 89,670MIN,
If it were for a constant year, the blockade would be 365 days = 32,729,550
(IF THE PRICE DOES NOT GO UP) if it falls, more MIN are blocked
and of those 32M the contract would release 1% to the MIN STAKING, that per day would be = 896 MIN Daily. If the amount of MIN decreases it could be multiplied quite a bit, plus you could save that MIN by staking for life.

Something that I would like is for the smart contract, apart from releasing 1% per year to those who do STAKING MIN, allocate another 0.5% per year for developers, they have to earn from somewhere, and another 0.5% to a treasury to reward white hat hackers for finding MINSWAP vulnerabilities.

So the rate for SWAP would be 0.35% or if the community wants it can be 0.4%, there is also the option of what is included in the same rate of 0.3% only that of that 0.3% the 0, 1% or 0.05% goes to buy and Block MIN.

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