Comnecting to minswap/doing swaps on _mobile_ with one device

I’ve got my wallet on eternl, until now I’ve used their integrated dapp browser which is pretty cool, but I noticed there’s an additinal 1 ada fee when doing swaps through the dappbrowser, so I wouldn’t mind connecting some other way, as I don’t play with big sums… But everything seems to require either a desktopbrowser based plugin + signing and syncing with google to access (the latter which makes my mind twist and turn). There is supposed to be another way to connect but I can not get that to work sadly. Nothing happens when I try “Wallet Connect” I can copy the qrcode and paste into eternls dapp connector it gives me a green light of being connected but nothing indicates to what and on im not connected. Then there is supposedly the cip-30 wallet id route but I cannot find such an id in eternl. Educate me, thx!

you can use minswap web integrated wallet called minwallet on your mobile, you can access it directly on minswap webpage

Unfortunately I cant access my seed at this moment so that wont work, but what’s this “wallet coonect” and cip-30 id stuff and why doesnt it function?

Hold it one second, I think its working!

It worked for abit atleast, now it refuses to connect again, only now I’m not even getting to where I can copy the qr-code… I tried to do a trade aswell but I could never sign the transaction…

can you please open a ticket in our discord server? you can get the links from official minswap webpage

I’ll try ;p I personally dont use discord that much… I’ve allways found the interface confusing and cluttered…