Hak Wallet Etern or Pool ADA/AGIX

My ADA/AGIX POOL has just been drained on MinSwap. I believe this could be a security flaw in the Pool, as the POOL was drained.

Adress: Address addr1qxcwjngk7st7t2fw2sadj80ywzm9g8yexpcqj9pz48ushp67av98v3v568f2eh69xz3tcufhcf0d3s4svp777f4fetgskx959j - Cardanoscan

Suggest that they remove your funds and that support can look into this as soon as possible.

I would like help in understanding what happened. If it is a failure in MinSwap or Etern Wallet. Because my key is stored safely and offline. Nobody has access to it;

I would like help in understanding what happened. If it is a failure in MinSwap or Etern Wallet. Because my key is stored safely and offline. Nobody has access to it;

No software was downloaded and installed on the equipment, I pay close attention to this. This equipment is just to accompany the Wallets that include MetaMask, Etern, among several other Wallets for passive income. None of the others had any problems.

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