Harvesting - Must setup collateral

I am trying to harvest my ADA-MELD and I get an error message that “You must setup collateral first”. Please advise what I can do?


What wallet are you using? If it is Eternl/CCvault, click the gear symbol right next to your wallet’s name on the left hand toolbar. Then scroll to “Collateral” and turn it on.

If you’re using Nami, click your profile picture in the upper right corner and then click “Collateral” and follow the prompts.


That works. Thank you.

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Add collateral in order to interact with smart contracts on Cardano:

The recommended collateral amount is

5 ₳

The amount is separated from your account balance, you can choose to return it to your balance at any time.
Read more

Transaction not possible (maybe insufficient balance)

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I dont have enough ADA for this, how do i ger some to my Nano X wallet from Binanc

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To my knowledge, you cannot use a Ledger hardware wallet at the moment with dApps. You would need to send your ADA from Binance to another wallet to interact with the DEX.

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Is there something similar required for yaroi wallet? If so, I cannot find it.

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