Deserialization failed in Transaction.body.TransactionBody.inputs.TransactionInputs because: Invalid cbor: not the right type, expected Array' byte received
Minswap team is aware and trying to fix the issue, I’ll notify you once there’s an update
You can give eternl a shot if you’re in a hurry
Sorry for the inconvenience caused
Thanks Amir. Appreciate the help!
Thanks for the help. Wasn’t happening until yesterday.
Please do not open that link
He was a scammer
Minswap support will never dm you or redirect you to any unknown/fake website
I don’t see a link, and would never click one anyway.
wait… do you mean the email link from the forum?
After my message a scammer replied to you with link to a fake webpage
I deleted that and banned him, just warned you to not open or interact with it
Thanks much. I didn’t even see it. You’re quick!
Hello i am getting the same error, its been 24 hours already
can you please try again now? should be fixed
Still not working for me. Ledger is connected but when confirming harvest it just says ‘an error has occurred’.
Seems to be a different issue
Please pair your ledger with eternl or minwallet for the best experience on minswap
Also please make sure your ledger firmware and cardano app is up to date