Can't harvest or trade from ledger wallet?

Deserialization failed in Transaction.body.TransactionBody.inputs.TransactionInputs because: Invalid cbor: not the right type, expected Array' byte received Tag’.

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Minswap team is aware and trying to fix the issue, I’ll notify you once there’s an update
You can give eternl a shot if you’re in a hurry

Sorry for the inconvenience caused


Thanks Amir. Appreciate the help!


Thanks for the help. Wasn’t happening until yesterday.

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Please do not open that link
He was a scammer

Minswap support will never dm you or redirect you to any unknown/fake website

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I don’t see a link, and would never click one anyway.


wait… do you mean the email link from the forum?

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After my message a scammer replied to you with link to a fake webpage
I deleted that and banned him, just warned you to not open or interact with it

Thanks much. I didn’t even see it. You’re quick!


Hello i am getting the same error, its been 24 hours already


can you please try again now? should be fixed

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Still not working for me. Ledger is connected but when confirming harvest it just says ‘an error has occurred’.

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Seems to be a different issue
Please pair your ledger with eternl or minwallet for the best experience on minswap
Also please make sure your ledger firmware and cardano app is up to date