Emissions Analysis & Committee Tool Enhancement - Poll

We must adapt and cannot afford to remain stagnant. At present, I see no alternative proposal that addresses this issue in a structured and methodical manner.

  1. Request for Lower Bound Adjustment: We are approaching the DAO to propose a decrease in the lower bound, and we have painstakingly detailed the rationale behind this decision. This request is well within the scope of our mandate as we are simply seeking permissions from the DAO for a new proposal.

  2. POL Management: The Protocol-Owned Liquidity (POL) remains under the DAO’s control. Specifically, this pertains only to the MIN/ADA POL, which is currently the least efficient within the ecosystem. If the DAO cannot trust a group of individuals—elected by its members and who have consistently delivered results—to manage this under strict parameters, I respect that perspective. However, I believe our track record speaks to our capability to execute this responsibly.

  3. Data-Driven Decisions: Our approach to emissions allocation has always been data-driven. This proposal is no different. Unless there is a better solution offered, criticism without constructive feedback adds limited value. Countless factors are considered in these decisions; they are not arbitrary. Moreover, the council comprises five members with diverse and often conflicting viewpoints, ensuring a balanced and well-thought-out outcome.

  4. Compensation for Effort: I firmly believe that no committee member, including myself, should be expected to work on this initiative without compensation. If I am unable to be compensated for the time and effort I invest in improving Minswap, I will have no choice but to redirect my energy elsewhere and I would expect most committee members to do the same. Time is valuable, and every council member is highly committed and busy.

While criticism is easy to offer, developing a solution that satisfies all stakeholders is far more challenging. I have done my best to present this proposal with data and transparency, explaining the reasoning behind every aspect. If this is insufficient, I sincerely apologize for any shortcomings. I welcome any alternative proposals supported by data that can provide a viable solution.