ADD COPI (Cornucopias) - ADA Pair to Yield Farming

3 things I need in life atm:

  1. COPI/ADA yield farming pair option
  2. Hardwallets supporting Dapps for a lower risk farming experience
  3. To start packing for Miami to rage with my Cardano fam this weekend!

YES do it do it doo it come on cardano !! and minswap and copi

I vote a definite YES, on a COPI/ADA pair for Yield Farming!

How do we vote for this proposal? I’m not seeing any Yes/No buttons, so if we vote by putting a comment here my vote is definitely 100% YES!

looking forward to this happening!

Heck yeah. I would love to see this happen.

I absolutely will love to see this happen

Its a must at this point :slight_smile:

He is on to us! Everybody run!

I would definitely participate in this farm.

i think its a great idea! i have all these corn seeds i need to plant and watch grow. reep the harvest

Why would you farm there when the same token is worth half the price on the BSC?

Good idea - lets do it